Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Today, I felt like I was going to lose my shit all day. I didn't have to go to school today, thank god. I was lazy around the house for the most part, did a little bit of homework since time is running short and went to the gym in the evening. After the gym, I went by Walmart where I thought I was going to lose it. The usual... 20 registers with 2 open. I was at the self-check out. A cashier comes over and starts looking over my shoulder, telling me how to do it. Did I ask for help? Do I look incompetent? Go harass someone else or better yet, OPEN ANOTHER FUCKING REGISTER!!! I inform her that this is why people don't want to shop at registers open! Why? She backed away slowly. I know it wasn't her fault, but don't exacerbate the situation by slowing me down. I already had 10 people behind me backed up due to the 85 year-old man that was in front of me. Is it like this everywhere or just the South? These are the days that I feel like I can't "civilian." I think about the unit I retired from and the stupidity that went on there... but at least we share similar behaviors. Everyone survived my Walmart excursion. I have a lot to work on as far as patience goes. It's going to be a long road ahead..

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